The faculty and staff in Medical Services are committed to providing education to individuals pursuing a career in health care. Medical Services offers training experiences for nursing students as well as nurse practitioner students and residents in the primary care fields of Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Family Medicine. Medical Services also offers observation experiences for UVA undergraduate and area high school students.
- For information on our scribe program, visit this website.
- Nursing students should contact Arwen Wagler, RN for more information.
- Nurse practitioner should contact Katie Hood, FNP for more information
- For more information on the Family Nurse Practitioner Student training, view this PDF.
- Medical residents should contact Beth Robinson, MD for more information.
- UVA undergraduate students interested in shadowing in Medical Services should apply through the Career Center Observe program.
- Area high school students interested in shadowing Medical Services providers should contact Paige Nolte, MD or Jessica Simmons, MD. Due to limited capacity, high school students interested in shadowing over the summer must contact Drs. Nolte or Simmons by May 1st to determine availability. High school students must be at least 16 years old.
Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Training Elective
“I really enjoyed my time at Student Health. I loved the opportunity to work with several different nurse practitioners. I also really enjoyed the collaborative environment between all providers. I thought it was helpful to attend the weekly Tuesday morning educational sessions.”
Resident Training Elective
“I thought this rotation was a great experience. I was exposed to a different patient population than what I am used to seeing. It was refreshing and also educational to learn and experience another aspect of outpatient medicine, and I felt like I had autonomy to try to make treatment decisions which will help me in the future.“
“The Student Health rotation provided excellent exposure and teaching about primary care in the young adult setting. The autonomy was excellent. The teaching was beneficial and prompt.”