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SDAC: Procedures and Guidelines

You will find the SDAC procedures and guidelines to the student accommodations process below. The procedures and guidelines are also available in a Microsoft Word document. Please contact SDAC if you have any questions.


The University of Virginia (University) believes that students with a disability represent a form of diversity that enriches and strengthens the excellence of our institution. The University, therefore, seeks to promote a culture of access and inclusion for students with disabilities for all University programs and activities.

On behalf of the University, the primary role of the Student Disability Access Center (SDAC) is to ensure access and inclusion for students with disabilities through the approval of academic and other accommodations, as well as through educational outreach and training for the University community.

The University’s efforts are guided by applicable state and federal law, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (ADA), as well as guidance from the U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights.

Eligibility for Disability Services
SDAC facilitates the provision of approved academic accommodations for University students with a disability who are determined to meet the academic and/or technical standards requisite for admission and continued participation in a University program or activity.

While these Procedures and Guidelines focus on academic accommodations, they also apply to accommodations a student with a disability may need to participate in non-academic University programs and activities, such as participation in athletics or another University process.

Students who are employed by the University and seeking workplace accommodations should do so through the Procedures for Employees with Disabilities to Request Workplace Accommodations.

Students with disabilities are admitted to the University under the same requirements and process as other students. A student’s decision to disclose their disability during the admissions process, or at any point during their University enrollment, is voluntary. If a student discloses this information only to SDAC during the admissions process prior to being admitted, SDAC will not share this information with the University’s admission office. 

However, post-enrollment, in order to qualify for accommodations, a student must self-identify with a disability and submit appropriate documentation to SDAC in accordance with these Procedures and Guidelines. Documentation submitted to SDAC is considered an educational record, as defined under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). It is kept confidential and separate from the student’s general academic file unless the student chooses to also submit it to another University department. SDAC will release information related to a disability only with the permission of the student, as permitted by FERPA, or as necessary to coordinate with other University offices to facilitate an accommodation or the accommodation process.   SDAC advises instructors that disability matters are confidential and should not be shared with others, and that academic accommodations should be handled in a discreet manner.

Disclosure of Disability
Students[1]  who wish to receive disability accommodations and services are encouraged to initially disclose their disability status directly to SDAC.

Students need not disclose the specific nature of their disability to their instructor, nor does SDAC encourage the instructor to inquire about a potential disability. Students are advised against sharing documentation of their disability directly with their instructor, as instructors are not responsible for interpreting, evaluating, or responding to disability documentation.

When the student discloses their disability status to their instructor rather than SDAC, instructors should immediately refer the student to SDAC to determine the student’s eligibility to receive accommodations.

[1] EXCEPTION:  Given the unique nature of University graduate schools, students in the Darden School of Business, School of Law, or School of Medicine who are seeking accommodations are required to first disclose their disability status to their Dean of Student Affairs, who will then coordinate appropriate services with SDAC.

Disability Accommodations and Services

Should a University student wish to receive accommodations for a disability in a course or other University program or activity,  students are encouraged to apply for SDAC services as soon as possible and submit appropriate documentation to begin the intake and eligibility process. The steps of this process are outlined below:

  1. Application for SDAC Services
    Students may apply for services through the online application, or by calling the SDAC office.[1] Depending on the time in the semester, please allow two to three weeks for the intake and eligibility process.

    1. The official means of communication with the University is email, so students must check their email for information about the status of their application with SDAC.

    2. Please note that requesting accommodations as soon as possible is imperative for two reasons: (1) if sufficient lead time is not provided, SDAC may be limited in its ability to secure certain types of accommodations when needed; and (2) the University is not required to provide retroactive academic accommodations, i.e., accommodations for coursework, quizzes, exams, assignments, etc. that the student already completed before requesting accommodations through SDAC.

  2. Submission of Documentation and Eligibility Determination

    Many disabilities require current documentation from an appropriate health care provider to be eligible for services. Accommodation decisions are based upon a student’s current functioning, which means that students must provide current documentation that will permit SDAC to determine what accommodations are appropriate.  Students must provide documentation that includes the diagnosis, functional limitations related to the disability, severity level, duration, and recommendations for accommodations.

    1. SDAC will accept the SDAC Verification of Disability form in most cases. However, SDAC reserves the right to refuse documentation in some cases, e.g., documentation that is submitted by a health care provider that has not treated the student or from a family member. SDAC will notify the student in writing of its reasons for refusing such documentation.

    2. SDAC also may request additional information from the student if it believes that the documentation is not sufficient to establish a disability, as defined by Section 504 and ADA. In such cases, SDAC will explain what additional documentation is necessary. Please note that while Individual Education Plans or Section 504 Plans a student had while in high school may have helpful information, such documentation is not sufficient, standing alone, to establish eligibility for disability services.

    3. If SDAC determines that the student is not eligible to receive disability accommodations and services, it will notify the student in writing and provide information regarding the University grievance procedures (see below).

  3. Intake/Eligibility Appointment
    Once SDAC receives the appropriate documentation from the student, the student must schedule an appointment with an SDAC Advisor to begin the interactive process to determine appropriate accommodations.

    1. Once the intake process is complete and appropriate accommodations are identified, a student will have an account created through the SDAC Online Services Portal; students are able to request accommodations through this portal. SDAC has created tutorials on how to navigate this account and use it to submit accommodation requests. The tutorials are available on SDAC’s website.

    2. Please note that students are encouraged to request accommodations through their SDAC account prior to the start of each semester (or upon onset of disability). This is true even if they are requesting the same accommodations, as not all course requirements or settings are the same and may require adjustments to the approved accommodations.

  4. Evaluation and Approval of Requested Accommodations by SDAC
    SDAC will collaborate with the student, instructor, and/or appropriate staff, such as the ADA Coordinator, as necessary when determining the appropriateness of the requested accommodations. Please note that the interactive process may be necessary even when the student has previously received accommodations, as accommodations that are appropriate in one course or environment may not be in another. In reviewing accommodation requests, SDAC analyzes the following factors to determine if the request is appropriate:

    1. The accommodation does not fundamentally alter the nature of the course, program, or activity.

    2. The accommodation does not lower academic standards or fundamentally alter the nature of the course, program, or activity.

    3. The accommodation does not present an undue financial or administrative burden to the University, e.g., by assessing the overall financial resources of the department or University and the effect of the adjustment on the expenses and resources of the department or University.

    4. The accommodation does not pose a direct threat to the safety of others.

    5. If SDAC determines that a requested accommodation is not appropriate and, therefore, denies the accommodation, SDAC will notify the student in writing (via email) and provide information regarding the University grievance procedures (see below).

    6. Once the evaluation process is complete, SDAC will provide the student with a Letter of Accommodation identifying the approved accommodations. In most cases, this letter is emailed to instructors and copied to the student. Additional copies may be printed through the SDAC Online Services Portal.

Common Accommodations

The following is a list of common accommodations offered at the University of Virginia; it is not intended to be an exhaustive list. If you have any questions about any of the accommodations listed below, or if you would like to inquire about an accommodation not on this list, please contact SDAC.

Alternative Format for Course Materials:
Course materials in alternative formats may be available or SDAC may be able to create such formats.  Two examples are listed below. 

  • Braille

  • E-text: Some students require their materials in an accessible format (e.g. large print format, alternate contrast options, conversion of text to speech), to be used in conjunction with their computer or handheld devices. Students are expected to arrange for the conversion of their materials with SDAC. In some cases, instructor assistance is required, especially as it relates to gaining access to some of the course materials. Sometimes instructors grant SDAC access to their course learning management system (e.g. Collab, Canvas, Blackboard); other times, they give SDAC the material directly. If that is needed, SDAC will be in touch with the instructor regarding the request.

    ​​Instructors: To ensure course materials are prepared in a timely manner, instructors are strongly encouraged to identify text books and other materials as early as possible (i.e., 60 calendar days before the first class). This permits SDAC staff to locate alternative formats or create them if they currently do not exist.


Alternative Testing:
Please see the section on Accommodated Exams for more information. Further, the following non-exhaustive list provides examples of accommodations that may be appropriate for a student with a disability related to exams:

  • Extra time on exams: e.g., 1.5x (time-and-a-half) or 2x (double time).

  • Reduced-distraction testing environment: while there is no such thing as a “distraction-free” testing environment, there is reduced-distraction. These rooms include fewer sensory distractions and a smaller setting than most classrooms. A setting such as a busy hallway is not considered reduced distraction, whereas an adjacent empty and quiet classroom or office could be.  Students should anticipate a reasonable amount of noise or movement in any environment.

  • Private room on Grounds: a limited number of private testing rooms are available in SDAC, and are reserved on a first-come, first-serve basis.

  • Use of assistive technology for exams:  such as voice-dictation software, text-to-speech, screen magnification, etc. 

  • Use of computer for exams: this typically would be to allow for a word processing program for essays, but could also be added due to the use of assistive technology.

  • Specialized furniture: such as an adjustable table.

  • Alternative to using “bubble sheet” exams: such as an option to directly mark answers on the exam paper.

  • Scribe or reader: an individual approved by SDAC will write or read the exam to the student.  Note: The student should arrange this accommodation well in advance (i.e., at least ten business days before the scheduled exam) to ensure that SDAC has someone available to serve as a scribe or reader.

  • Exam rescheduling: due to the nature of their condition, some students may not be able to anticipate when they experience a flare-up. They are expected to give as much notice to the instructor and/or SDAC as possible when rescheduling is necessary. It is typically recommended that they take the exam within a reasonable amount of time, such as within 1-5 business days.

  • Limit of only one final exam per day.


Classroom Access:

  • Classroom relocation: in some cases, the University is able to change the location of classrooms to ensure access to a course for a student with a disability. When this is not possible, the University will explore other ways to ensure the student’s access to the course.

  • Accessible furniture: examples include placement of an adjustable table, accessible seating, etc.

  • Preferential seating: seating can be reserved in different areas of the classroom based on the specifics needs of the student.

  • Classroom or lab assistant: this is different than a personal aide or notetaker. The classroom or lab assistant’s role is to ensure access for a particular course or lab. Their duties may include audio descriptions of slides, manipulating scientific equipment, etc. These assistants do not receive credit for these courses, and are expected to work under explicit directions. They may not provide assistance of a personal nature for the student.

Modification of Course Attendance and/or Modification of Course Deadlines:
Students are expected to follow the attendance policy and deadlines established by the instructor for each course. When students have a disability with unpredictable and episodic episodes that may require them to miss class or deadlines, an accommodation in the form of a reasonable[2] amount of flexibility with absences, deadlines, and participation points may be necessary. Students with such conditions must keep SDAC updated about changes to their disability that may impact attendance. Important additional information about requirements for students who are approved for this type of accommodation is set forth below.

  • Reasonable modification of course attendance: Regarding absences, SDAC encourages the student and instructor to reach agreement at the beginning of each semester regarding the appropriate amount of absences allowed, as well as a contingency plan for the student to make up missed work and tests/exams without penalty in the event of a disability-related absence. If the student or instructor are unable to come to a mutual understanding, SDAC should be contacted immediately to facilitate a decision, which will be documented as an amendment to the SDAC Letter of Accommodation for that course.

  • Reasonable modification of course deadlines: This accommodation applies to outside class assignments and is not intended to serve as an accommodation for open-ended, indefinite deadlines.  It is intended to be used sparingly. Students must notify their instructor of a deadline extension for specific assignments prior to the original deadlines. Instructors will set the terms for the adjusted deadlines.  Once the timeline for the deadline modification has been determined, students should adhere to the agreed-upon plan and submit the course work within the deadline modification. Please note, requests for deadline extensions for reasons other than those related to disability are not supported by this accommodation.  If the student or the instructor are unable to agree on a new deadline, please contact the SDAC immediately to facilitate a timely agreement on an appropriate accommodation decision.

    Student and Instructor Requirements for Reasonable Modification of Attendance or Deadline Modifications

    • Students: Only use this accommodation for disability-related reasons.  This accommodation does not apply to absences or missed exams/deadlines/participation points due to common illnesses, personal conflicts or other non-disability related reasons.

      • Maintain prompt and regular communication with your instructors about your disability-related absences, or anticipating missing an exam or deadline. You must inform your instructors of absences and missed exams/deadlines in advance or as soon as possible, typically within 24 hours. If a student does not provide prompt communication, that absence/exam/assignment may not qualify for the attendance accommodation and therefore may not be modified.

      • Adhere to the course syllabus and the University’s established academic policies. Information regarding academic policies for undergraduate and graduate students is located in the Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record, which are maintained by the University Registrar.

      • Submit your requests in a timely manner. Like all other accommodations, this accommodation cannot be retroactive and, therefore, would not apply to absences, late assignments, or lost participation points prior to implementation of the accommodation; therefore, timely requests are imperative.

    • Instructors: If attendance is intrinsic to the nature of the course, instructors should contact SDAC as soon as possible upon receiving a Letter of Accommodation with an attendance modification. Instructors are not expected to alter course outcomes. In consultation with the instructor, department chair, or dean, SDAC will determine if attendance is an essential element of the course by considering course description, syllabus, methods of grading, external licensure requirements, the impact on the educational experience of the entire class, and other factors.

      • When students with the attendance modification accommodation miss class for a disability-related reason, instructors should count the absence as excused and reasonable deadline extensions or makeup assignments should be given.

      • If absences become excessive or if concerns arise, instructors should contact SDAC.

      • NOTE: The attendance and deadline modification accommodations are not intended to replace the University’s established procedure for receiving a grade of Incomplete.

Permission to Record and Notetaking Services:

  • Permission to record classes: UVA policy PROV-008 precludes the recording of class lectures without explicit approval. One of the exceptions to this policy includes students who have been approved to record lectures through SDAC.

  • Peer notetaking services: Student who are unable to take their own lecture notes may be approved to receive a copy of the notes from one of their class peers. Students must request the classes for which they require notes every semester. SDAC requests that instructors make an announcement at the start of the semester for a course regarding the need for a notetaker without identifying the student. Students may also identify to SDAC or the instructor another student in their class to be a notetaker.  Students should contact SDAC if the notes have not been received in a timely manner or the notes are inadequate. NOTE:  Students are expected to comply with the course attendance policy as notetaking assistance is not a substitute for attending class. 

    • Notetaker Responsibilities:

      • Potential notetakers can apply online.

      • Once approved to work as a notetaker, the student must upload a copy of their notes to the SDAC database within seven calendar days of the course during the duration of the semester. 

      • Notetakers must take notes that are legible and thorough, and notes should include key information from the chalk/white board, about course or homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. 

      • Notetakers must provide notes for each class session unless a class session is canceled, and the notes should be representative of the entire class session, from the beginning to the end of the class. If a notetaker is absent for any class, it is their responsibility to find a substitute note-taker and/or to otherwise ensure notes are provided. 



SDAC receives requests, reviews documentation, and works with University Housing & Residence Life (HRL) to facilitate accommodations for students with disabilities who have specific needs, such as wheelchair accessibility, modified safety alarms, kitchen access or access to specific dining halls, single room, a service animal or emotional support animal.  Other examples of accommodations may include access to air-conditioned rooms, accessible kitchens, access to a residence with an elevator, etc. Disability-related needs will take priority over specific residence hall and/or roommate requests.


D/deaf and Hard of Hearing Services:
The following is a non-exhaustive list of D/deaf and hard of hearing services available to students through SDAC at no cost to them:

  • ASL – English interpretation services: students whose primary language is ASL may request interpreters to fully engage with the programs and services of the University.

  • Captioning of audio and visual materials: SDAC can assist with the process of captioning all audio and/or visual materials, but ideally this is coordinated as a team between SDAC, the student, and the instructor. SDAC will need access to these files, and at least five days’ lead time to get the file captioned and returned to the student and/or instructor.

  • Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART): this is also known as real-time captions. This could include either in-person or remote services, but either way would provide real-time captions for a student for their classes, student group meetings, etc.

  • Assistive listening devices: student can check out equipment such as an FM system, Roger pen, etc., on loan from SDAC.


Other Accommodations:
Below is a non-exhaustive list of other accommodations that may be available:

  • Priority registration

  • Reduced course load

  • Demand and Response Transportation (DART)DART provides transportation to University students, faculty, and staff members who are unable to use fixed route bus service.  DART runs when University Transit Service (UTS) is in service. DART is coordinated by the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights and Parking & Transportation.

  • Meal plan adjustment

  • Parking permit authorization

  • Service Animals: service animals are not pets, but rather are animals that perform certain actions or tasks for a person with a disability. The action or task may include visible tasks, such as opening doors or retrieving items for the handler, or their actions may include alerting the handler to a drop in blood sugar or an imminent seizure. It is important to note that Service Animals are not comfort or therapy animals. Service animals are allowed anywhere on grounds as outlined in Policy SEC-044: Use and Access of Service Animals, Service Dogs in Training, and Emotional Support Animals; however, service animals are expected to adhere to behavioral expectations to remain on property.

  • Assistance Animals: assistance animals, or emotional support animals, provide emotional support that alleviates one or more identified symptoms or effects of a person’s disability. Assistance animals are only allowed in on-Grounds housing under the Fair Housing Act, as outlined in Policy SEC-044: Use and Access of Service Animals, Service Dogs in Training, and Emotional Support Animals. Requests for permission to reside with an Assistance Animal must be made through the normal housing accommodation request process.

[1] Exception:  Students enrolled in the Darden School of Business, School of Law, or School of Medicine do not use this form. As noted above, graduate students in these programs seeking accommodations are required to contact their Dean of Student Affairs, who will then coordinate appropriate services with SDAC.

[2] For this purpose, reasonable means that it does not result in a fundamental alteration of the essential nature of the course, such as the course’s design or learning outcomes.

Student and Instructor Requirements for Exam-Related Accommodations


  1. Completion of Testing Contract: Before SDAC can proctor an exam, the student or instructor is required to fill out an Alternative Testing Contract that informs SDAC of the specific proctoring instructions for that course. Important points to know about testing contracts:

    1. This Testing Contract must be filled out once per course, per semester; the testing contract will be applied to all students with disabilities who receive alternative testing accommodations in that course.

    2. Students cannot schedule any exam at SDAC without a completed Testing Contract.

    3. SDAC will follow the instructions on the testing contract unless the instructor notifies SDAC otherwise in writing (e.g., through an email).

    4. Students and instructors must abide by the terms of the testing contract. Exception: Students in the School of Law, School of Medicine, and Darden School of Business are not required to complete Testing Contracts; alternative testing arrangements are coordinated through Student Affairs (Law and Darden) and the Registrar or Medical Technology offices (Medicine).

  2. Submission of request to SDAC: Students must log in to their SDAC account and sign up to take their exams at least seven (7) calendar days prior to the scheduled exam time to permit SDAC sufficient administrative time to coordinate accommodations. If the request is not made within a reasonable timeframe, SDAC may not be able to coordinate the accommodation, and the student would need to make alternative arrangements directly with the instructor. Instructors are not allowed to sign up on behalf of the student. Students are expected to take the exam at the same time as their classmates, unless the exam occurs outside of SDAC operating hours, or alternative arrangements have been agreed upon between the student and instructor.

When an instructor receives a SDAC Letter of Accommodation indicating that a student has been approved to receive exam-related accommodations that cannot be implemented during the traditional exam time and location for all students, there are a number of ways in which instructors can implement this accommodation:

  1. Reserve a classroom or office for students with accommodated testing.
  2. Request that the student take the exam at SDAC. (See section on Testing Contracts above).
Roles and Responsibilities in the Student Accommodations Process

Student Disability Access Center
Actively foster inclusion of students with disabilities as a positive and integral part of the University’s spectrum of diversity. Upon receipt of a request for accommodations, timely engage in an interactive process with the student, and instructor as necessary, to identify appropriate accommodations. Require appropriate, professional documentation necessary to demonstrate the nature and extent of the functional limitations caused by a disability and  seek additional documentation and clarification if such documentation is not provided. Engage in a deliberative process with instructors, departments, and other necessary University officials when deciding whether an accommodation fundamentally alters an essential element of the course, program, or activity at the University and in identifying alternative accommodations.

Consider equal access issues for students with disabilities when establishing academic courses, course requirements, and teaching methods. Set the academic standards and learning outcomes for the course(s) you teach. Engage in an interactive process with SDAC and the student as necessary to identify appropriate accommodations. Engage in a deliberative process with SDAC, your department, and other necessary University officials when deciding whether an accommodation fundamentally alters an essential element of the course, program, or activity at the University. If appropriate, instructors should also participate in this process to identify alternative accommodations. Timely provide only those accommodations listed as approved in the SDAC Letter of Accommodation provided to you by the student. Contact SDAC if you and/or the student wish to modify the approved accommodations for any reason. Expect all students, regardless of disability, to abide by the University’s Standards of Conduct. Assure the confidentiality of all disability-related information, as defined under FERPA. Immediately refer students who identify themselves as having a disability to SDAC. Comply with these Procedures and Guidelines.

Meet the University’s academic and technical standards for admission to and ongoing participation in University programs and activities, with or without accommodation. Timely disclose to SDAC that you are a student with a disability--and follow these Procedures and Guidelines--if you wish to receive accommodations. Provide documentation requested by SDAC to document the nature of your disability, related functional limitations, and the need for specific requested accommodations. Engage with SDAC in an interactive process to identify appropriate accommodations. Recognize that the eligibility determination process must be completed before SDAC approves accommodations. Timely request accommodations for each course for which they are need, preferably prior to the start of each semester. Timely provide instructors with your SDAC Letter of Accommodation. Immediately notify SDAC if you encounter any difficulty with obtaining your approved accommodations in the course or program or if the approved accommodations are not effective. If requesting housing accommodations (including requests for a service or assistance animal), must submit the housing application, Student Request for Housing Modification form, and Verification of Disability form by the application deadline listed on SDAC’s website.

  • Approve accommodations in a timely manner for students with disabilities and provide them a Letter of Accommodation to be provided to their instructor(s).
  • Deny a request for accommodations for reasons, such as failure to submit required documentation or where the documentation does not indicate that the accommodation is necessary.
  • Deny a request for an accommodation that would fundamentally alter an essential element of a course, program, or activity at the University.
  • Provide information regarding procedures and guidance to students with disabilities in a timely manner and in a reasonably accessible format.
  • Ensure confidentiality of all information pertaining to a student’s disability, including communications and records, as defined under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Grievance Procedures

Students are encouraged to discuss their concerns with their SDAC Advisor, who will attempt to resolve the issues by assisting the student, e.g., by discussing issues or concerns with the instructor, department or program.

Students are not required to report concerns to the individual who is believed to be responsible for the denial of equal opportunity, discrimination, or harassment.

Informal Complaint Procedure with SDAC
To file an informal complaint related to academic accommodations with SDAC, students should submit the following information in writing to the Director of SDAC:

Name, address, contact information of complainant
Date(s) of alleged incident
Parties involved
Witnesses (if applicable)
Specific description of allegation(s) of discrimination and impact of alleged incident on the learning environment at the University

SDAC will review all informal complaints within ten (10) business days. 

Students are encouraged to participate in the informal complaint process in order to timely and efficiently resolve their concerns. However, participation in the process is voluntary, and students are not required to submit an informal complaint to the Director of SDAC before seeking assistance from the University’s ADA Coordinator, or resolution with the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) or the state or federal agency authorized to accept complaints. Moreover, students are never required to submit a complaint to any individual who they believe to have engaged in discrimination or harassment based on disability or any other protected characteristic.

The following person at the University has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and related statutes and regulations:

 ADA Coordinator
Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights
2015 Ivy Road, Room 321
P.O. Box 400219
Charlottesville, VA 22904
(434) 924-3295
[email protected]

The ADA Coordinator is available to students and SDAC for consultation and assistance with the resolution of disability-related issues and concerns.

Alternative or Formal Resolution with the University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR)
The University’s Office for Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights (EOCR) is responsible for ensuring compliance with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Statement and the University’s Preventing and Addressing Discrimination and Harassment Policy (PADH Policy), which prohibits discrimination and harassment based on disability. Examples of alleged discrimination involving students with disabilities include failure to provide agreed upon accommodations or failure to engage in the interactive process resulting in denial of an accommodation.  

Students may seek alternative or formal resolution with EOCR in accordance with the University’s Preventing and Addressing Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (“PADHR”) Complaint Procedures, which are available on EOCR’s website. To initiate a request for resolution under the PADHR Complaint Procedures, please contact EOCR at (434) 924-3200 or [email protected].

The University prohibits retaliation against individuals who complain of discrimination or harassment in violation of the PADH Policy, or who assist or participate in the process to resolve such complaints.  See University policy HRM-010: Preventing and Addressing Retaliation for additional information.

Office for Civil Rights
Any person has the right to file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights of the U.S. Department of Education. To file a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights, please contact:

U.S. Department of Education
Office for Civil Rights (Metro Office)
400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.
Washington, DC 20202-1475
Telephone: (202) 453-6020
Email: [email protected]

Key Definitions

SDAC lists key definitions below to aid individuals in understanding these Procedures and Guidelines:

  • Accommodations:  academic adjustments and auxiliary aids and services that are necessary to afford students with a disability an equal opportunity to participate in the University’s programs and activities.

  • Disability:  a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. 

  • Physical impairment:  any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of a body systems, e.g., neurological, musculoskeletal, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, skin, and endocrine.

  • Mental impairment: a mental or psychological disorder, such as intellectual disability, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities.

  • Major life activities: functions including, but not limited, to learning, caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, and working, eating, sleeping, standing, lifting, bending, reading, concentrating, thinking, and communicating.   These are examples and not an exhaustive list.

  • Temporary impairment:  an impairment that is episodic or in remission and may constitute a disability under these Procedures and Guidelines if the impairment would substantially limit a major life activity when active for an extended period of time. The issue of whether a temporary impairment is substantial enough to be a disability is addressed by SDAC on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration both the duration (or expected duration) of the impairment and the extent to which it actually limits a major life activity.

Effective Date: May 1, 2019