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Aetna Student Health Plan

Detailed information about the UVA Student Health Plan can be found on the website or by calling UVA's Aetna Student Health Customer Services Department at 1 (800) 466-3027. You can also stop by Student Health and Wellness and speak to a UVA representative in our office on the second floor. Ask for Insurance and Billing Manager Kellie Gildersleeve or the Insurance Assistant Rukmini Gopinath. They can be reached at [email protected] or by calling (434) 243-2702.

  • Learn more about enrollment in the student summer insurance option for summer semester if charged the full comprehensive fees with tuition. Summer enrollment is not automatic and must be initiated by emailing [email protected].


What is the easiest way to enroll in the UVA Student Health Plan?

Students can enroll online during insurance verification open enrollment timeframes.

If you wish to enroll due to loss of coverage or other qualifying event please contact [email protected] or call 866-535-0456

What is the UVA Aetna Student Health Plan Policy Group Number?

The policy number is 812806.

If I'm an International student, can I use the UVA Student Health Plan outside of the U.S.?

International Students may use the Aetna Student Health Plan outside the U.S. Please keep all receipts for any visits to provider or costs incurred outside the U.S. and submit a claim form once you return.

To reach On Call International any time, visit the Aetna Student Health webpage or call 1-866-525-1956 (U.S. or Canada) or 1-603-328-1956 (collect — anywhere).

Do students have to enroll in the UVA Student Health Plan?

No. However, the University requires all students to have health insurance, and encourages them to compare current their coverage to the UVA Student Health Plan.

Is there a special enrollment option if a student loses health insurance coverage during the academic year?

You might qualify for a Special Enrollment Period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 30 days OR expects to lose coverage in the next 30 days. Coverage losses that may qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period:

  • Losing job-based coverage
  • Losing COBRA coverage
  • Losing individual health coverage for a plan or policy you bought yourself
  • Losing eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP
  • Losing coverage through a family member

If you think you may qualify for a special enrollment period based on the above information, please email [email protected] to request enrollment into the UVa Student Health plan within 30 days of losing current insurance coverage.

Is there a special enrollment option for qualifying life event changes?

If you experience certain types of life changes — e.g. having a baby, adopting a child, getting married, and/or adding a dependent — you may qualify for a special enrollment in the Aetna Student Health plan for the rest of the plan year.

  • A student must first be enrolled in the UVa student health plan before adding dependents to the plan. Please allow for processing time of 5-7 days.
  • If adding a dependent to the health insurance plan, please email [email protected] or call 866-535-0456.
  • If applicable, a loss/end of coverage document will need to be obtained, uploaded, and submitted with a request to add a dependent.
  • For more information see
What are the associated costs with enrolling dependents for UVA Student Health Plan coverage?

2023-2024 Rates: Annual

  • Student: $3,673
  • Spouse: $3,673
  • One Child: $3,673
  • Two or More Children: $7,346

2024-2025 Rates: Annual

  • Student: $3,877
  • Spouse: $3,877
  • One Child: $3,877
  • Two or More Children: $7,754

A student must first be enrolled in the UVa student health plan before adding dependents to the plan. Please allow for processing time of 5-7 days.

Are all student classifications at UVA eligible to enroll in the UVA Student Health Plan?

No. Only students charged the comprehensive fees with their tuition are eligible to purchase the UVA Student Health plan. Full time comprehensive fees include Comprehensive Fees-VA, Comprehensive Fees -NOGS VA, Comprehensive Fees-NVA, Comprehensive Fees-NOGS NVA and Comprehensive Fees-OffGr Res, as listed in SIS. Any student with questions regarding eligibility should contact Student Health and Wellness at (434) 243-2702 or email [email protected].

If I have the UVA Student Health Plan, do I need a primary care physician (PCP)?

Aetna Student Health partners with Aetna's national PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) with more than 1,000,000 providers, pharmacies, and facilities, including the care providers at Student Health and Wellness (SHW).

How will I be billed for the UVA Student Health Plan?

The UVA Student Health Plan charge will be viewable to students in SIS and will have a due date. Like other charges on a student's SIS account, failure to pay the full cost of the UVa Student Health Plan premium will result in a registration block, which will prevent registration for the next semester of classes.

Can I cancel my enrollment in the UVA Student Health Plan?

If you withdraw from school within the first 31 days of a coverage period, you will not be covered under the Policy and the full premium will be refunded, less any claims paid. If you withdraw from school for any reason other than joining the armed forces, Aetna won't refund your premium. Instead, you’ll continue to be insured until your coverage period runs out for which premium has been paid. You will be insured for the coverage period for which you are enrolled, and for which premium has been paid.

If graduating in December, you may request a refund for the Spring semester and cancel your plan at the end of the Fall semester by sending an email to [email protected].  We will verify your graduation date in SIS prior to issuing the credit to your student account. 

Are substance use disorder and behavioral health treatments covered under the UVA Student Health Plan?

Yes. If medically necessary, substance use disorder and behavioral health treatments will be covered. Generally, the extent of coverage may depend on what type of treatment is provided on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Refer to your insurance brochure or call the Aetna customer service number on your Aetna ID card. You may also call Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at (434) 924-5556.

Where can I learn more about the administration of the UVA Student Health Plan?

Aetna Student Health administers the University of Virginia student health insurance plan. Aetna Student Health has more than 30 years of experience in student health insurance. It employs more than 300 individuals focused on all aspects of student health insurance. Aetna Student Health partners with over 200 colleges and universities on a fully-insured basis and is the largest student health administrator in the country. It proudly points to the fact that they retain a majority of their college clients and enrolled students each academic year and that it insures more than 500,000 students and dependents nationwide. Aetna Student Health members are provided access to preferred providers through the nationwide Aetna network.

In 2001-2002, Aetna Student Health, then known as The Chickering Group, was first selected to administer the University’s student health plan following an open and competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The selection committee consisted of University faculty, students, and administrators. Aetna Student Health was awarded a three-year contract, which expired on August 24, 2005. The contract included an option that permitted two one-year renewal periods. The University exercised both options for renewal, causing the original contract to expire in August 2007.

In 2006, the University conducted another open and competitive RFP for the student health plan. The selection committee, which again consisted of University faculty, students, and administrators, awarded Aetna Student Health the contract for the 2007-2008 plan year with annual options for renewal over the next 14 years. Following comprehensive review of the plan and negotiations to ensure a competitive rate, the University exercised its options for renewal by executing a contract with Aetna Student Health for the last nine plan years. Following the same process, the University exercised option for renewal for the 2024-2025 plan year.