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Insurance: International Students

All UVA students, both domestic and international, charged the full comprehensive fees with their tuition must meet the health insurance verification requirements. A student's health insurance must be considered comparable coverage to the UVA Student Health Plan in order to be accepted under these requirements. Some alternative plans require you to pay out of pocket and then request reimbursement. The UVA student health plan has a network of providers in addition to providers in Student Health and Wellness who can submit claims directly to the UVA student health plan. Please see informative video here.

What is comparable coverage for an international student?

In order to be considered comparable coverage, a student’s health insurance plan must meet the following seven specific requirements for 2024-2025.

    1. The plan provides in-patient care and outpatient care coverage (including visits for behavioral health) within a 75-mile radius of the Charlottesville area. Coverage for emergency-only care (out of state medicaid) does NOT satisfy this requirement.
    2. The plan is provided by a company licensed to do business in the U.S. with (a) a U.S. claims office, (b) a U.S. phone number, (c) plan literature available in English, and (d) benefits provided in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The following programs do NOT qualify as comparable coverage: Travel insurance & Reimbursement programs of any kind.
    3. The plan provides in-patient treatment and outpatient treatment coverage for substance abuse (both alcohol and drug abuse) within a 75-mile radius of the Charlottesville area. Coverage for emergency-only care (out of state medicaid) does not satisfy this requirement.
    4. My coverage will remain in effect for all semesters in which I am enrolled for the 2024-25 academic year. If I lose coverage at any point during the academic year, I will request to be enrolled in the UVA student health plan at a prorated rate or provide my new health insurance for review.
    5. The plan provides a minimum of $10,000 in coverage for repatriation/evacuation to a student's home country or return of mortal remains.

    6. I will be held financially responsible for payment of all charges not covered by my health insurance plan.

    Please note these requirements are minimums for students on an F-1 visa. Students on a J-1 visa require the below criteria as well. 

    • $100,000 per accident or illness with a deductible of not more than $500
    • Repatriation of remains, in the event of death, in the amount of $25,000
    • Expenses associated with medical evacuation to your home country or to your country of permanent residence in the amount of $50,000