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Exam Proctoring Center

The Exam Proctoring Center at SDAC is reserved for students with disabilities who have approved testing-related accommodations. 

Students must have communicated and coordinated with their instructor prior to scheduling exams at SDAC. Students are expected to schedule their exam at the same date/time as the rest of the class unless they have received prior approval from their instructor to take it at an alternate date/time.  

SDAC requests that students schedule exams as far in advance as possible; the recommendation is to submit all scheduling requests at the beginning of the semester. However, the following scheduling deadlines apply: 

  • Regular Exams (e.g., midterms and quizzes): Students must submit exam requests at least 5 business days prior to the testing date.  

  • Final Exams: Students must submit final exam requests by the published deadline, typically 2 weeks in advance of the start of the final exam period. 

    • The deadline to request finals for Spring 2025 is April 16th, 2025.

  • Late requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis depending on availability. SDAC will not be able to accept late requests within 48 hours of an exam (except in the case of true emergencies or if students are eligible for certain accommodations such as Exam Reschedule). 

Please see this list for a full set of guidelines for students using the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center. 

Exam Proctoring Center Guidelines

Student Responsibilities
  1. Read and sign the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center Guidelines 
  2. Notify instructors of exam-related accommodations no less than one week before the scheduled exam time. This is done by sending out the Faculty Notification Letters through the SDAC Portal. (include link to tutorial) 
  3. Communicate with their instructor to discuss their disability-related testing accommodation needs in their course. Note: Instructors may arrange for their own proctoring, as long as the student’s accommodations are met. Alternatively, Instructors may choose to have students schedule their exams at the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center. 
  4. Schedule exams at SDAC in a timely manner. See scheduling deadlines outlined above.  
  5. Take the exam at the same day/time as the class unless the student has received prior permission to take it at an alternate day/time. 
  6. Notify SDAC as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation. 
  7. Be on time for the exam. Late arrival will result in time deducted from the total exam time. Arrival more than 30 minutes late will result in the reservation being cancelled and marked as a “no-show”.  
  8. Bring nothing but authorized materials into the testing room. 
  9. Complete exams at the scheduled time. Comply with SDAC staff when they have stated that the exam time is complete. 
  10. Abide by the UVA Honor Policy at all times. 
  11. Understand that the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center is video-monitored through a closed-circuit security system and/or human proctors. 
Instructor Responsibilities
  1. Read the Faculty Notification Letter. If there are questions or clarifications needed, please respond to the email to discuss with the student’s SDAC Advisor. 
  2. If possible, arrange for an alternative proctoring location. If that is not possible, then coordinate with the student to use the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center. 
  3. If using the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center, fill out proctoring instructions no less than 72 hours before the scheduled exam day/time. The link for the proctoring instructions is located on the Faculty Notification Letter. One set of proctoring instructions will be needed per each class section. If you have questions, please refer to the tutorials with more details on how to use the SDAC portal. If the same instructions can be used for multiple course sections, please email SDAC.  
  4. Provide all necessary materials, such as a copy of the exam, passwords, additional handouts, etc., to SDAC no less than 48 hours before the scheduled exam day/time. 
  5. If SDAC does not have the required exam materials by 8:00 AM on the day of the exam, SDAC staff will attempt to contact the instructor to resolve the issue. This may result in rescheduling the exam to a different day/time. 
  6. In the case of a question coming up during the exam, be communicative and answer within a reasonable period; at the very least before the end of the scheduled exam time. 
  7. Expect exams to be returned in the method selected in the Proctoring Instructions. Scanned exams will be returned digitally through the SDAC Portal. Expect that the scans will be double-sided by default, in the event that a student has written on the back of any given page. 
SDAC Responsibilities
  1. Send out Faculty Notification Letters in a timely manner, typically within 24 hours of request (not including weekends). 
  2. Approve all exam scheduling requests in a timely manner, typically within 48-72 hours of request (not including weekends). 
  3. If the SDAC Exam Proctoring Center is full, make a good-faith effort to arrange for alternative proctoring locations for requests submitted within 5 business days. 
  4. Have exams instructions and hard copy of exams printed at the start of each business day. 
  5. Return exams promptly after the exam is completed by the preferred method in the Proctoring Instructions.  

General FAQs

Can I take any exam at SDAC?

The Exam Proctoring Center at SDAC is reserved for UVA students with disabilities who have approved course-related testing accommodations.

This is NOT a location for standardized testing such as the GRE, LSAT, or MCAT. This is NOT a location for students without SDAC testing accommodations to take exams. This is NOT a location for tests for non-UVA courses.

How do I sign up to take an exam at SDAC?

You can reserve a spot in our test proctoring center online through your SDAC Portal. If you would like instructions for how to do this, please see our Tutorials page, specifically focusing on How to Sign up for Exams at SDAC.

I need to schedule an exam through the Portal, but the class isn’t showing up! What do I do?

If the class does not appear in the drop down menu of the Alternative Testing section of the SDAC Portal, that usually means the proctoring instructions haven’t yet been filled out. You can reach out to your instructor and ask them to fill it out (they have a link to it in the Faculty Notification Letter that was emailed to them through the Portal). 

What are the SDAC testing hours and location?

Typically, our hours are Monday through Thursday, 8am to 8:30pm, and Fridays, 8am to 4:30 pm. We are open extended hours during final exams, and we will have more limited hours during the summer semester and J-term. We are located at 550 Brandon Ave, on the first floor of the Student Health and Wellness Building.

I have a class at that overlaps with my exam. What do I do?

Reach out to your instructor and ask to take the test at a different time. Once you have obtained permission from your instructor, schedule your exam through the SDAC Portal. 

I want to take my exam on a different time or day than my class. What do I do?

Exams are to be taken at the same time as the class, unless you have permission from your instructor to take it at a different time. All changes need to be approved by your instructor before you schedule with SDAC. When SDAC approves exam requests, it is purely on the basis of whether we have room for you; this does not imply that we have obtained approval from your instructor on your behalf. 

I’m running late for my exam; will I still get my extended time?

Please arrive on time and ready to start – your exam time begins at the time scheduled, and arriving late may impact the amount of time you have to complete the exam. If you will be less than 30 minutes late, please call and let us know. If you will be more than 30 minutes late, it is possible that your space may be given to another student. Please be in good communication with us. 

I forgot to schedule my exam and it is less than 48 hours from now. Can I still take it?

We recommend that all exams be scheduled at least one week in advance. This is to make sure we have space, and in case our testing rooms are full it is to give staff at SDAC appropriate notice so we can try to reserve additional space. Unless there is a true emergency, we do not approve exam requests less than 48 hours before the exam date. If your request is denied, your exam accommodations must be worked out with the instructor or taken in class, without accommodations. 

What can I take into the testing room?

We allow food and drink inside the testing rooms, as long as it’s not distracting to other students. Otherwise, you only need to take in what is needed for the exam. Absolutely no electronic devices (e.g., phones, tablets, or smart watches) are allowed unless you have an approved accommodation to have access to your phone at all times for medical purposes.

How soon can I schedule my exams?

At the beginning of every semester, we recommend signing up for all exams, including finals. Our space is allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, therefore it benefits you to plan ahead. Exam dates and times can be provided by the instructor or may be listed in the syllabus.

Do I schedule with SDAC if I don’t need to take my exam there?

If your instructor can provide your exam accommodations, there is no need to schedule with us. Instead remind your instructor about your testing accommodations by email. Only schedule exams at SDAC if you need to take the exam in the SDAC test proctoring center.

My Instructor is providing a room but I want to take my test at SDAC.

If your instructor can provide your exam accommodations, we ask that you take the test with them. This opens up our space for students that don’t have that option and will allow you to ask questions if needed. 

What if I have more questions?

Contact our office at [email protected]. We will be happy to answer any questions you have.