blue static

Gordie Center


The mission of the University of Virginia's Gordie Center is to end hazing and substance misuse here at UVA and among college and high school students nationwide. We are dedicated to sharing Gordie Bailey's story to prevent future hazing-related alcohol overdose deaths. The Gordie Center empowers students to transform their campus and community cultures through peer education and bystander intervention using our evidence-informed, student-tested resources. Our APPLE Training Institutes are the leading national substance misuse prevention and health promotion conferences for NCAA student-athletes.

Learn about Gordie

Hoos Against Hazing

Hoos Against Hazing Potential New Member program

All potential new members of University of Virginia student organizations with a new member process must attend a 1-hour, in-person, Hoos Against Hazing education program. This is in compliance with the Virginia "Adam's Law" effective July 1, 2022. 

Sign Up

Remember PUBS!

PUBS graphic


  • Puking while passed out
  • Unresponsive to pinching or shaking
  • Breathing is noisy, slow, shallow, or has stopped
  • Skin is blue, cold, or clammy. If a person has darker skin, check for pale lips or nail beds.

If you see even one PUBS sign, call 911 immediately.

If you're unsure, call Poison Control (1-800-222-1222) for free, confidential medical advice 24/7.

Save a life. Make the call.


Follow us!

Are you a Hoo Against Hazing?  

There are many ways to make a difference! 

Hazing Prevention Advisory Council (HPAC)
HPAC works to identify and advocate for ways to engage the UVA community in evidence-informed hazing prevention, intervention and response.  The council meets twice per semester, with smaller working groups meeting every other week to identify issues, create programs and advocate for change. Email the UVA Gordie Center to learn more!

The Gordie Club
This CIO hosts events and activities to educate peers on the risks of hazing and works to ensure students know the signs of alcohol overdose.  Learn more here.

Volunteer at Student Health & Wellness' Gordie Center
Whether it's research for a class project, updating an outreach presentation or creating a new video or social media series, your talents are needed! Email the UVA Gordie Center to learn more!

Media Inquiries

Have a media inquiry for the Gordie Center or Student Health and Wellness? See our policy and procedures page here.


Use the SAFE? questions to help you determine if what you're experiencing or seeing is hazing.