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Reasonable Modifications: Assignment Deadlines

Completing coursework is an important part of being a student at UVA and engaging in the academic community.  Reasonable modification of deadlines may be appropriate for students with disabilities to provide limited flexibility to the course assignments policies on a case-by-case basis. 

Students are still responsible for completing all coursework and frequent use of this accommodation is contrary to its intent. Successful use of this accommodation requires communication and collaboration between the student and their instructor.  This accommodation is not intended to be used every week nor for every assignment. The accommodation must be requested per individual assignment and may not be applicable on certain assignments.

Students should reach out to their professor or academic dean as this accommodation does not apply to extensions for reasons such as normal illness, family emergencies, planned vacations, interviews, etc.  The student’s academic dean can assist with other solutions such as dropping or withdrawing from a course, taking a reduced courseload, or requesting an incomplete grade.


General Plan for Reasonable Modification of Assignment Deadlines

SDAC recommends no less than 24 hours and no more than 72 hours for an assignment extension, depending on the nature of the assignment and situation. The accommodation must be requested per individual assignment.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Request accommodations in the SDAC Portal at the beginning of the semester or upon onset of eligibility. Note: Accommodations are not retroactive.
  • Initiate collaboration with their faculty to set up expectations regarding the General Reasonable Modification Plan. Sample email templates are provided below. 
  • Fill out the Individualized Reasonable Modification Plan to initiate the interactive process with SDAC if they feel that the General Reasonable Modification Plan will not work for their circumstances, either due to the nature of the course or their disability.
  • Communicate regularly with their faculty if they need to implement their accommodation for an individual assignment.
  • Fulfill all course expectations and learning objectives of the course.
  • Confirm receipt of the Faculty Notification Letter in a timely manner, ideally within one week of receipt. 
  • Review the General Plan for Reasonable Modification of Assignment Deadlines.
  • If the General Plan does not work due to the nature of the assignment or course design, initiate the interactive process with SDAC to determine a reasonable alternative by completing the Individualized Plan for Reasonable Modification.
  • Contact SDAC if the number or length of assignment extensions begins to exceed the agreed upon Reasonable Modification Plan.
  • Do not give the student unlimited flexibility, as this is often contraindicated to their academic progress and often creates complications near the end of the semester. 
  • Do not require additional documentation (such as a doctor’s note) from the student beyond the Faculty Notification Letter.
  • Consult and support students and instructors in determining reasonableness of accommodation or how to implement accommodations based on course design and learning outcomes.
  • Provide support and guidance to students and instructors when questions or difficulties arise related to the accommodation.
  • Follow up on requests for the initiation of the interactive process related to this accommodation in a timely manner, ideally within one week.

Email Template: Introductory Email to Professor about Accommodation

Introductory Email to Professor about Accommodation

Dear Professor [name],

My name is [name] and I am in your [class name and section] course. You should have just received my Faculty Notification Letter from SDAC. I wanted to reach out to see if you had any questions regarding my accommodations or if there are logistical things I need to consider. 

I understand from SDAC that we should work together to find a balance between ensuring that I can get what I need out of your course (i.e., meeting your learning outcomes) but have some flexibility added so that I can manage my condition. More information about this reasonable modification of assignment deadline accommodation can also be found on the SDAC website.

I am happy to communicate over email, or if you prefer, we can meet either by appointment or during your office hours to discuss the specifics of my accommodations.  

Thank you in advance for your support. 



Individualized Plan for Reasonable Modification 

If a course or student’s situation requires adjustment to the above, an Individualized Reasonable Modification Plan will need to be completed and agreed upon by the student, professor, and SDAC.

These accommodation do not

  • Apply retroactively
  • Apply equally to courses with essential in-person requirements, such as labs, studios, world language courses, or others that have highly interactive and discussion-driven courses that cannot be adequately replicated outside of the classroom.
  • Necessarily apply equally to assignments that impact other students, such as group work, discussions, and discussion posts. This needs to be determined on a case-by-case basis.
  • Make adjustments for:
    • Academic course load
    • Multiple assignments due in close proximity
    • Studying for exams or other assessments
    • Scheduling conflicts
    • Employment, appointments, normal illness or personal obligations
    • Time management issues

Email Template: Notifying Utilization of Assignment Extension

Dear Professor [name],

I am enrolled in your class [class name and section]. Earlier this semester I sent you my Faculty Notification Letter from SDAC indicating my eligibility for a reasonable modification of assignment deadlines as an accommodation. Due to disability-related reasons, I am unable to submit [assignment name] by [date].

I’m writing to you to ask for an extension of [length of time, x days] on this assignment. If this is reasonable, I will submit the assignment by [new due date]. Please let me know if this new deadline would work within your course objectives.

If you have questions about my accommodations, my SDAC Advisor, [Advisor Name], can be reached at [advisor email].

Thank you in advance for your consideration,


Student Frequently Asked Questions

After I send out my accommodation emails to my faculty, what is next?

Follow up with your instructors to ensure you are both on the same page when it comes to how the accommodation is going to be implemented in each course. See email templates below.

What type of assignments or activities are not eligible for an extension?

Examples of assignments where this accommodation would not apply:

  • Situations that would impact others, such as group assignments, or assignments that are required to be completed in order to participate in the course, such as a pre-lab assignment.  
  • Assignments or activities that are unable to be replicated outside of the course experience, such as some hands-on activities, speakers, or field excursions. 
  • Situations where it is not conducive to a student’s academic progress such as weekly discussion posts or other regular assignments that can quickly accumulate.
What do I do if the General Reasonable Modification Plan does not work for me?

Initiate the interactive process by filling out the Individualized Reasonable Modification Plan.  

How should I communicate when an extension is needed?

Students should use the template email (provided below) to communicate with their instructors.

What are the consequences if I do not meet the deadline extension?
  • If your deadline extension requests go beyond parameters outlined by your Reasonable Modification Plan, then there may be academic consequences implemented, such as a grade penalization. 
  • If extension requests become excessive, SDAC may instead counsel you to consider alternatives, including withdrawing from the course, taking a reduced course load, or, if applicable, requesting an incomplete grade for the course.
What do I do if instructors are non-responsive to my communications?

Please give your instructor a reasonable amount of time to respond. If they have not responded consider contacting them in other ways; Canvas, Piazza, etc, attending office hours, or through the TA. If communication is still not received, please contact your SDAC Advisor.

Can instructors require documentation for an absence, such as a doctor’s note?

No. Students are not required to present their instructors with medical documentation verifying their disability or need for accommodations beyond the Faculty Notification Letter.

Faculty Frequently Asked Questions 

What do I do if the General Reasonable Modification Plan does not work for my course?

If you feel that the plan fundamentally alters the course learning objectives, please initiate the interactive process to create an alternative plan by filling out the Individualized Reasonable Modification Plan.

What type of assignments or activities are not eligible for an extension?

In general, examples of assignments where this accommodation would not apply:

  • Situations that would impact others, such as group assignments, or assignments that are required to be completed in order to participate in the course, such as a pre-lab assignment.
  • Assignments or activities that are unable to be replicated outside of the course experience, such as some hands-on activities, speakers, or field excursions. 
  • Situations where it is not conducive to a student’s academic progress such as weekly discussion posts or other regular assignments that can quickly accumulate.
What do I do if my student has not communicated with me?

Please feel free to reach out to the student directly requesting a meeting to discuss how their accommodations may be implemented in your course. If you do not hear back from them, please contact SDAC.

What do I do if my student has not turned in assignments?

SDAC would prefer we know about this before it becomes excessive so that we can adequately address the student’s situation. Ultimately, the student is responsible to fulfill the learning outcomes of the course. Assuming that the General Reasonable Modification Plan (or an agreed upon alternative Individualized Reasonable Modification Plan) has been followed, failure to turn in assignments may result in academic consequences for the student as per your course policies.

Can I ask for a doctor’s note for disability-related assignment extension request?

No. Students are not required to present their instructors with medical documentation verifying their disability or need for accommodations beyond the Faculty Notification Letter.