Loop UVA
UVA accessibility professionals support and encourage the addition/installation of hearing loop (induction loop) technology as the recommended assistive listening system (ALS) for large venues, auditoriums, classrooms, reception areas, ticket counters, and other appropriate spaces throughout the Academic Grounds, athletic venues, and Health System at the University of Virginia.
We take this position based on:
- The national and international preference of hearing loop over other ALS technologies by those who rely on these systems for effective communication.
- The demonstrated durability, longevity, and future viability of loop systems.
- This technology facilitates greater compliance with national and international standards.
- Hearing loop offers an effective and user-friendly solution for users of the system and managers of facilities where it is installed.
While hearing loop may not be appropriate for all areas, we ask that it be given first consideration when an ALS is required.
The installation of Hearing Loop should be your first consideration when choosing an assistive listening system (ALS)*.
Learn more about loop uva
More Infomation on Loop UVA
Learn more about Loops UVA: Legal requirements, pros and cons of the various assistive listening systems, and the future of hearing loop.
Hearing Loop Installation Criteria
Installation of a hearing loop is not always simple and not always appropriate in all locations. Visit below for more information about the criteria required for a successful installation including how to scope your project, what to look for in a contractor, and what the contractor should provide.
Hearing Loops Installed on Grounds
View a list of classrooms and other venues across Grounds that are equipped with loop technology.
Hearing Loop Maintenance Guidelines
A maintenance check should be performed on hearing loop systems annually. In the academic space, it is suggested that these checks occur at the beginning of each semester. Learn more about hearing loop maintenance guidelines.
additional hearing loop resources
List of additional resources including general information on hearing loops, research papers and case studies, a list of vendors, and resources for facility designers, architects, A/V consultants and project mangers.